Spring Farm Estate Jamaica

The Spring Farm Estate is located on Jamaica's North Coast about 10.9 kilometers or 6.8 miles from the Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay. According to Google Maps, it is an easy 17 minute drive from the airport. This hillside villa development overlooks the picturesque Half Moon Golf Course and North Shore of this island paradise. The entrance to Spring Farm is through the Half Moon Golf Club and past the Sugar Mill Restaurant.
Spring Farm Estate is a gated community with a security check point at the entrance. A wonderful tropical breeze sweeps in over the Caribbean Sea from the Northeast up the lush, heavily wooded hillside, dotted with luxury villas.
It is a 5 minute drive from Spring Farm to Rose Hall Beach Club (entrance through the Palmyra).

Swimming pool at Ladywood Villa
Mysilversands offers these vacation rental properties in Spring Farm Estate:
Ladywood Villa
Ladywood Room 1
Ladywood Room 2
Ladywood Room 3
Find out more about Rose Hall Beach Club.