Never touch the coral. Besides the fact that you'll damage the ecology of the area by doing that, you could get stung or have a piece of coral embedded in you. Don't go close to or among the coral until you've learned how to handle your body in the buoyant salt water, and keep your distance particularly when it is rough.
Never snorkel alone. It is so easy to swim in salt water and the whole experience is so enthralling and benign, after a time or two, it is easy to lose your natural sense of caution. Make it a never-to-be-broken rule to never snorkel alone.
Wear a life jacket if you're going some place you haven't gone before, or if it is rough, or if you just want to be a bit lazy and not have to move to stay in place.
Never touch or provoke the fish or other animals.

A nurse shark seen resting on the reef, photo contributed by Rick Evans. Read more about this and view his vacation photos at Richard Evans Guest Album
Introduction, How, When, Where, Reefmap, Stinging Things