Special relationships develop between the villa staff and guests at Silver Sands villas in Jamaica. Many guests, especially those who return year after year, find it difficult to imagine a Jamaica vacation without the warm, friendly and caring staff in their villa of choice. Acting on the suggestion of a repeat visitor, Villa Mart created special gift baskets which were offered for sale to those guests who wanted to show their appreciation to the staff at Christmas time. Below are photos of some villa staff receivng their gift baskets from the Villa Mart staff.

Above, Mavoy of Villa Mart presents Constance, cook at Tu Mac' Villa with her Christmas Gift Basket.
Above, Cynthia from Tu Mac' Villa receives her Gift Basket, presented by Mavoy of Villa Mart.

Above, Kwesi-Kari of Villa Mart presents Mavis Davis of Nutshell Cottage with her Christmas Gift Basket.

Above, Ingrid of Hang Time Villa receives her Christmas Gift Basket, preseneted on behalf of the guest by Arlene of Villa Mart.

Above, Arlene of Villa Mart presents Lucille of Hang Time Villa with her Christmas Gift Basket.
It goes without saying that the staff receiving the gift baskets were thrilled and touched by the show of love from guests who did not forget them at this special time of the year.
Villa Mart was pleased to be able to facilitate this gift-giving. At Easter, Jamaican tradition sees staff receiving gifts of Easter Bun and Cheese and Villa Mart will make available such Easter Packages which may be ordered as gifts for the villa staff during the first week of April 2012.
Silver Sands Villas Jamaica News