Meet Chucky, the Carver & Craftsman, on the Patio at Silver Sands Jamaica
Marquise McCalla (known around Silver Sands Jamaica as Chucky) is a talented craftsman and artist at the Jacob Taylor beach in Duncan's, Trelawny, Jamaica. He enjoys making gifts, wooden sculptures and custom made souvenirs tailored for various customers from all over the world. His unique talent was developed by being exposed to the prestigious works of local carvers at an early age. Consequently, he developed his knowledge through years of practice and determination.
His love and passion for the arts granted him a honorable certificate from the Jamaica Tourist Board, Team Jamaica training, where he was recognized for his excellence. Marquise has been commended for his in-depth responses to questions about his art, work and his wide knowledge of the jamaican culture.

Chucky, on the Patio in December 2015 (left); and a younger Chucky at the Jacob Taylor Beach in 2010
He is not just an artist, but his hands on capabilities also afforded him a Diploma in Electrical Installations at the Heart trust NTA, Vocational Training Centre. Marquise enjoys being both an electrician and an artist, but he exercises his artistic side more often than the other. This he gives credit to the fact that he enjoys meeting interesting people. He has had the privilege to meet celebrities, intermingle with various cultural phenomena and be exposed to the world from the angle of his valued customers.
As a apart of the small art district, Marquise has the advantage to mix 'work and pleasure', as for him, his work is fun, exciting and enjoyable. He enjoys taking his guests on adventure tours, nature walks and giving historic lessons.
Watch, in HD, this short video, which displays some of Chucky's work and listen to him tell you what he's about:
Marquise is certainly a man with a passion and undoubtedly his skills speak for itself. He is based at the Jacob Taylor Beach, nextdoor to Silver Sands Jamaica, but he may be found on the Patio at Silver Sands Jamaica on a few days each week - ask the Reps of Mysilversands at the Reception Desk on the Patio when he will be around.
He can be cantacted by email him at Or come on down to the Patio and meet him in person. Chucky always has a great variety of pieces on display and he will even do a custom order for you.
(Note: Mysilversands encourages and supports small local businesses and entrepreneurs. Mysilversands has presented the above information as a community service.)
Silver Sands Villas Jamaica News