Andy Williamson at Rick's Cafe' in Negril. (Photo contributed by Andy Williamson)
I have been doing web research for my family's vacation in Jamaica for about a month now. I must have visited over 50 web sites on tourism, hotels, villas, and things to do. I have to say that your site was far and away the best site that gave me a sense of what it would be like to spend some time in Jamaica.
I have just spent several hours looking at just about every page in your web site. Pictures do tell the story. You really took the time to explain everything in great detail. It was clear that you cared about providing people with all of the information that they would need--even listing your bankers! (You were right, people are hesitant to "buy" over the internet and I could see your assurances would put people at ease.)
Unfortunately, we have already booked a villa or I would have considered your location. (Initially I searched on "villa" and "Jamaica" and your site probably didn't come up in the first couple of pages...in my search today I entered "things to do" and "Jamaica" and your site was 3rd on the search results. I came into your site at your "All About Jamaica" page.) We may stop by on our way to Dunn's River Falls to check out Silver Sands so we will know more about it for future vacation considerations.
Best of luck with your business and thanks again for letting me look at all of the great pictures on your web site.
Andy Williamson, February 2000