Take a Tour of the Ruby Goat Dairy and Meet the Friendly Jamaican Goats (very near to Silver Sands)

YES! This goat is sticking out its tongue at YOU!
Let me tell you a short story, a true story:
A Canadian family booked a week's stay at a private villa with pool in Silver Sands Jamaica. They enjoyed their visit so much the previous year that they had to return for their annual family vacation. A few days after they checked in, the Villa Manager stopped by to greet them and to check to see if they needed any assistance with anything. As the Villa Manager knocked on the front door, he experienced a very strong smell. He wondered what it could be and how this must really be causing a problem for the guests.
When the Party Leader answered the knock and opened the door, a goat bolted out, followed by a very young boy chasing it! The Villa Manager's jaw dropped and the guest looked embarrassed. It took some doing for the guest to explain that his son loves Jamaican goats. Dad had rented a goat from a local farmer as a playmate for his son!
The end.
By Appointment Only, you may visit the Ruby Goat Dairy, located off the beaten track in Carey Park very near to Silver Sands. It's less than a ten minute drive. Mysilversands will make the arrangements for you.
Ruby Goat Dairy is a small business which specialises in producing goat's milk and related products. It is not a tourist attraction and is not licensed as such by the Jamaica Tourist Board. There is no admission charge to visit and get up close and personal with the Jamaican goats. You may tour the small facility and you may be lucky to witness one of the goat milk products being made. There's usually a small selection of goat products available for purchase (there is no obligation to buy - Ruby Goat Dairy and Mysilversands simply want you to enjoy this real Jamaican Experience).
Yes - goats can be smelly!
Yes - you need to wear closed shoes!
Yes - you may view the milking and feeding of goats and get involved if you wish.
Yes - there is a very informative website, so I will not repeat the information available there. Visit Ruby Goat Dairy!

Ruby, carrying one of her goats out of their home.

These cute kids were curious about my running shoes.

The main building of the Goat Dairy which is located behind the house and cannot be easily viewed from the street.

The Goat Feeding Station in the backyard.

Feeding time!

The main Ruby Goat Dairy building.

Ruby Goat Dairy, in Carey Park, Trelawny, is less than a ten minute drive from Silver Sands Jamaica.
How long you stay at Ruby's is up to you but most people visit for about half an hour. Mysilversands can arrange for one of its contract drivers to take you to the Goat Dairy, wait for you, and bring you back to your accommodation. If you are adventurous, you may make your own arrangements with a local taxi, which may be found parked at the entrance to Silver Sands.

Get a flavour of the Ruby Goat Dairy from this 15 second video: