"Making Memories" Kitesurfing On Your Jamaica Villa Vacation
by Geoff Gibson
I just got back from a visit to Silver Sands Jamaica. I've been a few times and have always loved it, but this time, I was struck by the wealth of wonderful memories I took home with me.
I landed in Mobay just after lunch, and met my friend, Prem, at Burwood Beach for some kitesurfing. I love to ride surfboards, but don’t travel with mine due to the expense and hassle. When I asked the local operator, Brian if he rented surfboards, he grinned, and replied, “no man, but you can ride mine”. Made that part of the trip immeasurably more pleasurable. Brian, and his operation at Burwood, are one of those wonderful memories.

When we reached Silver Sands that evening, Steady was there manning the gate to let us in. He has one of the best smiles, and always shares it with you as you drive up to his gate, a welcome as sunny as the clear Jamaican skies. I came to look forward to saying hello and goodbye as we left or entered Steadys' domain.
At some point, it was decided that my taste for curried goat had to be satisfied. After consultation with Mavis, our helper and cook at Nutshell Cottage, it was decided that I would take her into Duncans for shopping. If you come to Silver Sands, definitely make a visit to Duncans. It's a classic small Caribbean community, bustling with life, like something out of a Garcia Marquez novel with a Jamaican accent. We had trouble finding locally grown goat, even after visiting 3 different meat shops. Had to settle for imported. Mavis was obviously disappointed. I think she wanted us to have real Jamaican goat. I didn’t mind a bit. Accompanying Mavis on this quest through the markets of Duncans was an amazing experience.
That night, when Prem and I dug into that dish, it was the best goat I have ever had anywhere, be it the Caribbean, or a fine Indian restaurant. Next morning, I gave Mavis a huge hug, and told her so. She positively beamed. I realized that that is one of the wonderful gifts this place gives to a non Jamaican visitor. You get to know and interact with these wonderful people. Sure, they're staff, but it feels much more personal than that. You won't get that at some impersonal all-inclusive, where you’re Mr and Mrs. So and So in unit XYZ.

One of the best memories I took home was of the Caribbean Sea. Several days, when I kited outside of the reef into the deeper water, the color became this eerily enchanting deep turquoise. I can't summon up the words to adequately describe it. It almost seemed to emanate a soothing energy that made you just want to stop and absorb as much of it into your soul as you could.
Interestingly, I am writing this on the island of Oahu where I am visiting my son. We kite together here, and the Hawaiian waters are beautiful. But I've never experienced anything like that emerald color outside the reef at Burwood Beach at White Bay, just a few miles West of Silver Sands. The incredibly friendly Mysilversands staff at the Reception Desk at Silver Sands will be happy to direct you to Burwood and even arrange transportation for you if you don't have your own.

This was definitely one of the best trips ever, beautiful people, beautiful surroundings, memories to treasure for a lifetime!