Endless Summer Villa - Accessible Facilities and Equipment
Endless Summer is not fully wheelchair accessible.
The central circulation area leads to Bedrooms 1 to 4 on the same level. There is a step down to the living room area and a step up from the living room area to the dining area. Optional ramps make navigating these single step-ups easier for wheelchairs and pushchairs.
There is no wheelchair accessible toilet and shower facility, but the villa does its best to facilitate the disabled with these features:
A beach wheelchair is available on request.

Hand Rails at the Entrance to Endless Summer Villa.

Hand rails and concrete ramp from the driveway to front door.

Optional timber ramps enable easier access on the street level to the 4 bedrooms, the living room, dining room, kitchen, and pool area. Below, from the Circulation Area to the Living Room.

Optional timber ramp from the Living Room to the Dining Room, and Scooter (not included with rental) on the ramp.

Two showers on this street level are fitted with grab rails. Optional toilet seat elevator with handles and a deluxe bath seat with back and arms are available.

Shower seat details on the NOVA Medical Products Deluxe Bath Seat with Back & Arms.

Details on the Carex toilet seat elevator here.
Endless Summer was constructed in the 1970s by two American couples as their vacation home. No thought was given to wheelchair accessibility or facilities for the disabled. In the late 1990s, the villa was largely rebuilt and an upper and lower level created. But being such a small lot, and constrained by Silver Sands covenants which essentially dictated that the house retain its original footprint and height, it was impossible to create accessible bathrooms.
Nevertheless, the rebuilt Endless Summer created a concrete ramp from the driveway to the entrance to the villa, so wheelchair users and strollers/pushchairs could be manouvered into the villa. Railings were also installed so the elderly and frail could feel more secure as they walked into Endless Summer.
More About Endless Summer.
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