Silver Sands villas
It is set up identically to “Slideshow main” but they must be called (without the quotes);
"Slideshow ochorios"
"Slideshow silversands"
"Slideshow thingstodo"
"Slideshow freeweddingvillas"
If you have not got the time, no problem, just though it better to have the real thing rather than my made up one.
So there will be 4 slide shows it total, is that correct?
They will be activated by either adding on to the link the following;
e.g. http://www.mysilversands.com/content/rio_bueno_bengal_beach.aspx?sshow=ochorios
Or if there is no sshow present on the url it will look for the region selected in the accommodation search
Prem 02/04/2011 created sshow=exclusives
Prem 03/09/2011 created sshow=freeweddingvillas
So the URL to this page is currently: http://www.mysilversands.com/content/villamart.aspx
In this case to the end of the URL you would add: http://www.mysilversands.com/content/villamart.aspx?subnav=silversands
To add the silversands subnav to this page.
If the URL string already has a ? anywhere within it you would use & instead so it would become &subnav=silversands on the end of the URL
Subnavigation options that you currently have available are the same sub navs available alongside all your main site pages: